Wednesday, June 17, 2015

1st year Daisy Wrap-up

Our first year as a troop is over! Whew! Here is a look at some items we made in the last couple of weeks for the local strawberry parade and our end of year party.

Our newly crafted troop banner, which we hung as a background for our party.

Our "stage" aka my deck. Badge/law flowers on walls, painted egg carton flowers, goodie bags, flower decorations.

Invitations the girls made the week before. Really easy to make.

Recycled egg cartons that were cut then tied together with ribbon to make a fun banner. 

Flower friends printed from making and cut out for the girls to color. Gave them examples of the real colors for each flower. Taped them to sticks, added them to foam inside of flower pots from Dollar Tree.

Also too fake Daisy flowers, removed the centers and put them on straws for our lemonade dispenser.

Made goodie bags for every girl as well as our big sister helpers.

Included this in the goodie bags in a smaller bag. Easy to recreate on Word. The lip gloss was their favorite part. Party City had everything to put in it.

I combined a few ideas for how to present their badges. At our Arts and Crafts Day the week before, the made paper plate Law flowers that I had pre-cut and written the laws on each corresponding color. They also glued their picture in the center. I added ribbons with their 1 year pins, badges and fun patches they have earned, using hot glue. On the back was each law so that after I called them up, they lined up and recited the Girl Scout Law.

They also made handprints that I "planted" in my empty flower bed. It helped them to identify my house in case they forget which house was mine.

I had to include the trefoil shaped watermelon that one of the moms brought! She got the cookie cutter at the GS store. We used it for the banner too. Cute!!

One of the moms baked a cake which I decorated. It is hard trying to get all 11 colors!! I bought tubes because it is easier than tinting so many. I did have to take blue, green, purple, and red and mix white to get a light version since the Daisy flower includes both light and dark of same colors.

Here I am with my co-leader and my daughter. Yea!

We also marched in the Strawberry Festival Parade! I bought red hats at the Dollar Tree and one of the moms made felt strawberries as decoration. They loved the hats and an added bonus...we knew which Daisies were ours!!

Thanks for checking out our ideas! 
Happy Girl Scouting!!

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